A Coward Goes to Baghdad
I have not even read the whole article and I'm ready to share it with you. The author is uppity(?) and abrasive but he is on target about the Bush trip to Baghdad.
Thus far, the focus has been on the secrecy surrounding the trip, the choice of Fox News to accompany the president, (which pretty much sums up his credibility level when he chooses the television equivalent of the National Enquirer to assist him in his chicanery). The focus has also been on whether or not it was a wise decision for the president to make (what? Like wisdom has been a staple of this administration thus far?
There is more; this guy dislikes Bush almost as much as I do.
Third piece... During his visit with the troops in Baghdad, he said "We did not charge hundreds of miles into the heart of Iraq, pay a bitter cost in casualties, defeat a brutal dictator and liberate 25 million people only to retreat before a band of thugs and assassins." Now first of all… What do you mean "we", Kemo Bushbey? The only charge you've led is the one against our values, intelligence, decency, reputation and civil liberties… altho' you have been charging a lot to America's American Express card, haven't you?