Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Sulliavan is starting to see the light

Halley Suitt points to a well thought out post by Andrew Sullivan. It seems Mr. Sullivan is starting to wake up to the President's contradictions and is no longer willing to blindly support a failed President who would throw away our constitutional rights. Despite my usually disagreeing with Mr. Sullivsn, he has a way with the words.

Monday, February 23, 2004

Moleskine Pocket Squared.

Real Live Preacher Writes about how he likes keyboards with a solid click and feel. Many people do, in the past I had a preference for the old IBM heavy metal key boards. Now that MS has limited my dexterity I find the short travel of a laptop key board easer to use, but it can not be one of the smaller laptops I need big as possible keys. A full size key board with laptop keys would work for me.

What the Preacher said that got me wound up, was his mentioning Moleskine Journals and it reminded me how much I cling to mine to keep track of where I have been and where I would like to go, and what I was thinking when I got there.

I can not leave the house without mine. Before I had a Moleskine, any book I tried was just to cold and uncomfortable to share myself with. I now Love keeping a personal Journal. The pocket size is just right to carry any where and yet big enough to write in.

I keep cards and a supply of post-it notes in the pocket. I write temp reminders, and notes on the post-its and stick them inside the covers. My memory has random holes because of the MS. So the Moleskine acts as a ink and paper storage bank. Now family and friends will look and say I know you got it down in your book, when is.... when did....

Friday, February 20, 2004

new phone

I want a new phone. I do not need a new phone, but I would like to have a new phone. So a quick click over to the at&t wireless site. After digging around for over an hour can I buy a new phone? Apparently not, the at&t website doesn't work with Safari on my Apple Powerbook, it doesn't work with Internet Explorer on the wife's Windows XP box.
Guess I'll be shopping elsewhere.

Thursday, February 19, 2004

I guess this has a place in someone's plans. What I want to know is what's up with the free 30 day trial? Without looking at it any further; any service I don't like will not matter 29 days after I'm dead heck; it will be of little concern 29 minuets later.

Yea, I know this and funerals are for the living not the dead.

Eggo Land

This morning I have traveled far.
The trip was long and arduous, from the sub zero abyss of the freezer, to the searing heat of the toaster.
I have been to Eggo Land.
Now I am fat and happy.
Because I made the trip to Eggo Land.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Sea Sick

Some days are better than others; the bad days seem to rule more often than not. I have multiple sclerosis and I would like to think that overall I am dealing with that reality fairly well. But what I like to think does not seem to align with what is happening. It is a struggle every day just to get out of bed, it is a struggle when I get out of bed to stay out of bed.

I have had some dizzy spells (dizzy enough to fall out of my chair) and have been sea sick for a month (I am land locked) keep hoping it will pass. Keep saying I'll call the Doctor; tomorrow; tomorrow comes but I am afraid to call. Just what the fuck am I afraid of. I am just sick of being sick....................

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Lawrence Lessig on Ralph Nader

The man has a way with words and his meaning always seems clear to me. If only everyone would take the time or make the effort to listen and try to understand.

Lawrence Lessig: "JB Nicholson-Owens rightly ask 'why should a candidate ever have to justify doing no harm to your favorite candidate's standing in the race to run for office?' That's stated too generally. I don't think a candidate in general needs ever to justify running for office. But when your candidacy might throw an election -- not for you, or even for views you believe in, but in favor of views you and your followers obviously disagree with -- then I do think a candidate should 'justify' his decision to run. Why? Because words are also actions, and actions have consequences, and the duty to justify the consequences of your actions is not excused merely because you use words."

I hope Nader thinks long and hard before he waste so many resources on the pretense that it is the best way to get his views heard. If he really wants to make changes through the political process perhaps he should step up and start as a congressman or senator.

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Escape from the norm.

I could not take setting at home. For what ever reason I had to get out. If not for a bit of fresh air, perhaps to be around people, to not be alone in the house. Today the weather is bad and the roads are not in the best shape but I had to escape. I had to escape my self imposed ostracism.

It takes so much effort for me to leave my safe place. The tasks the routines and rituals must start early in the day if I am going to get out at a reasonable hour. Today I was ready about 3 p.m. a time when the Red Cup is closing and wurdz is not yet open. Ok this is something that can be overcame, I'll just go look at office chairs until it is time for wurdz to open.